Making Democracy Work

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisangrassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacyeducation, and litigation at the local, state, and national levels. The League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area comprises over 80 members, many of whom are active in town government, committees, and organizations.

The League of Women Voters of the United States, along with all 51 state Leagues, issued a letter to Congress today urging them to exercise their authority. Read the complete letter here and the press release here.
SAVE Act Action Alert
If you haven’t done so already, please urge your member of Congress to oppose the SAVE Act using this Action Alert. LWVMA, as part of the Election Modernization Coalition, will be meeting with House Minority Whip Katherine Clark next week to discuss the SAVE Act.
Sign up for email alerts from the national office here. Review all LWVUS statements on the new administration here. Sign up to receive alerts from the Women Defend Democracy campaign here.

Focus on Sustainability

The League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area has been a staunch supporter of the environment since its inception 65 years ago and continues to work with groups across Plymouth to raise awareness and support changes in the Town’s planning efforts to ensure sustainability. Watch an episode of This Week in Plymouth from the Local Seen of Town Manager Derek Brindisi interviewing Mike Cahill, Plymouth’s Climate Resiliency Coordinator and Dan Mullen, member of the Plymouth’s Climate Action Net Zero Advisory Committee to get an excellent overview of the work in progress.

For details on some of our more recent projects, visit our Sustainability Page.

Stay Informed

Are you looking for a quick update on what’s transpiring at some of our town’s committee meetings?

Check out the reports from our Observer Corps. What is an Observer Corps? The League has a growing group of dedicated meeting watchers we call our Observer Corps. They watch the meeting in person or remotely and make notes on the important happenings at the meeting.  They strive for impartiality and succinctness.  Check out our Observer Corps Page what we have so far and check back periodically for updates.

The Town of Plymouth is also working to be more open and communicative.

Subscribe here for specific updates from various town departments.


Engaged voters think about running for office and commit themselves to being a part of working for a healthier, safer Plymouth.

If you are interested in a particular board or committee, start attending meetings to see what kinds of issues the committee works on and how it works. Agendas for all town board and committee meetings are on the town website calendar page.

If you are interested in what it takes to run for office.Visit our “How to Run for Office” page.

Join Us

The League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area covers the towns of Carver, Duxbury, Kingston, Marshfield, and Plympton as well as Plymouth.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.